Monday, February 23, 2015

Manawa snowmobile races draw big crowds

LITTLE WOLF – After times of bitter cold weather, Saturday's warmer heat gave people near Manawa company spend time outdoors.

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The annual polaris races attracted hundreds of people, and a bit of might say it was a great date for a Snodeo.

"A Snodeo is a snowmobile derby, " said Gaga Sarna, race director.

With single quick squeeze of the handlebar, drivers headed out onto the info.

"This is kind of a incredibly hot bed and hub of polaris riding and racing throughout the general nation. A lot of the best people to be able to snowmobiling and racing came out of this important immediate area, " Sarna told me.

Nine-year-old Sawyer Griffin survivor iphone 5 hopped through a sled, for the very first time, four before. Since then he's started racing furthermore enjoys when his sled starts up speed.

"When the flag except if and they pull it up, that means planning. I like that one, that one, and that single because they're all fast, " said Griffin iphone 5 case.

When it comes to speed, snow sleds aren't the only machines zipping towards the track.

"We have a group of classmates that do the dirt bikes, furthermore it's just a lot of fun to watch out, " said Tessha Tufnell.

On the grounds that bikers kicked up snow and ice included with the air, many spectators welcomed a warmer temperatures.

"I hate a cold but it's actually the latest warm day. It's a warm date and a perfect day for race cars, " said Tara Tufnell.

"It's a beautiful day out here, " told me Travis Griffin.

"Compared to a couple week age, today's a really good day to be buddy, " said Tessha Tufnell.

The exact three-day event started eight before as a way to bring the community together.

The exact race organizer says now he is hoping the Snodeo will really encourage young racers and get them to for the winter sport.

"Where we want to go with this is start kinds of racers [young] and at last grow them to being world winners, " Sarna said.

Manawa's Snodeo Snowmobile Races continue Sunday to 10 a. m.

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